

About Us

Laura Villegas

Founder and creator of Mission Nonprofit. 

Life Coach and Ambasador for Change!


Since my early days, I’ve been driven by the desire to make a real difference in the lives of families and young children. With degrees in Early Childhood Education and Human Development, I’ve committed myself to creating top-notch programs and services for my community, all while focusing on empowering women. In 2019, I furthered my professional goals by completing a life coach certification course, enabling me to inspire others to pursue their dreams and embrace life to the fullest.

Having served as the Director of Programs and supervisor for a nonprofit agency since 2000, along with my current role on the board of a small nonprofit agency, I intimately understand the challenges involved in running a nonprofit organization. This firsthand experience has driven me to establish Mission Nonprofit, with the aim of overcoming the unique obstacles that nonprofit agencies often encounter.

I’m thrilled at the prospect of the positive impact we’ll create together through Mission Nonprofit. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and say hello—I’d love to connect and learn your story too.

The Story
Of Emmie's Wedding

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“You don’t marry the person you can live with – you marry the person you can’t live without.”

Start Planning Your Wedding Today

“Praesent eu dolor eu orci vehicula euismod. Vivamus sed sollicitudin libero, vel malesuada velit. Nullam et maximus lorem. Suspendisse maximus dolor quis consequat volutpat. “

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